I want a good parallel computer
A note on Metal shader converter
Simplifying Bézier paths
Moving from Rust to C++
Requiem for piet-gpu-hal
Raph's reflections and wishes for 2023
Minikin retrospective
Parallel curves of cubic Béziers
Advice for the next dozen Rust GUIs
Xilem: an architecture for UI in Rust
piet-gpu progress: clipping
Prefix sum on portable compute shaders
Swapchains and frame pacing
The stack monoid revisited
The case of the curiously slow shader
Fitting cubic Bézier curves
Cleaner parallel curves with Euler spirals
An interactive review of Oklab
An Old New Adventure
Text layout is a loose hierarchy of segmentation
Rust 2021: GUI
Towards principled reactive UI
The compositor is evil
The stack monoid
Seeking truth in a time of misinformation
xi-editor retrospective
Fast 2D rendering on GPU
A sort-middle architecture for 2D graphics
piet-gpu progress report
Prefix sum on Vulkan
Blurred rounded rectangles
Covid-19 resources
GPU resources
The Soundness Pledge
Flattening quadratic Béziers
Towards a unified theory of reactive UI
Rust 2020: GUI and community
Thoughts on Rust bloat
The smooth resize test
An update on spline licensing
2D Graphics on Modern GPU
Skribo progress update
Font fallback deep dive
Low level text layout kickoff
More small updates
IIR filters can be evaluated in parallel
How long is that Bézier?
A new spline
My thoughts on Rust 2019
Secrets of smooth Béziers revealed
Small updates
Towards fearless SIMD
A crate I want: 2d graphics
Announcing the xi-editor github organization
Synthesizer progress update
A Few of My Favorite Sigmoids
A New Adventure
With Undefined Behavior, Anything is Possible
Notes on “Lost in Math”
Towards GPGPU JSON parsing
Entity-Component-System architecture for UI in Rust
A sketch of string unescaping on GPGPU
Smooth resize in Direct2D
What I’m working on at Recurse Center
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