Posts by category
- Raph's reflections and wishes for 2023
- An Old New Adventure
- More small updates
- Small updates
- A New Adventure
- Notes on “Lost in Math”
- Towards GPGPU JSON parsing
- Entity-Component-System architecture for UI in Rust
- A sketch of string unescaping on GPGPU
- Smooth resize in Direct2D
- What I’m working on at Recurse Center
- Hello blog
- Moving from Rust to C++
- Requiem for piet-gpu-hal
- Advice for the next dozen Rust GUIs
- Xilem: an architecture for UI in Rust
- piet-gpu progress: clipping
- Rust 2021: GUI
- Towards principled reactive UI
- Fast 2D rendering on GPU
- A sort-middle architecture for 2D graphics
- piet-gpu progress report
- The Soundness Pledge
- Rust 2020: GUI and community
- Thoughts on Rust bloat
- The smooth resize test
- 2D Graphics on Modern GPU
- Skribo progress update
- Font fallback deep dive
- Low level text layout kickoff
- My thoughts on Rust 2019
- Towards fearless SIMD
- A crate I want: 2d graphics
- With Undefined Behavior, Anything is Possible
- piet-gpu progress: clipping
- Swapchains and frame pacing
- The compositor is evil
- Fast 2D rendering on GPU
- A sort-middle architecture for 2D graphics
- piet-gpu progress report
- Blurred rounded rectangles
- Flattening quadratic Béziers
- 2D Graphics on Modern GPU
- Followups
- A crate I want: 2d graphics
- Simplifying Bézier paths
- Parallel curves of cubic Béziers
- Fitting cubic Bézier curves
- Cleaner parallel curves with Euler spirals
- Flattening quadratic Béziers
- An update on spline licensing
- Followups
- How long is that Bézier?
- A new spline
- Secrets of smooth Béziers revealed
- Minikin retrospective
- Text layout is a loose hierarchy of segmentation
- Skribo progress update
- Font fallback deep dive
- Low level text layout kickoff
- A note on Metal shader converter
- Requiem for piet-gpu-hal
- piet-gpu progress: clipping
- Prefix sum on portable compute shaders
- Swapchains and frame pacing
- The stack monoid revisited
- The case of the curiously slow shader
- The stack monoid
- Fast 2D rendering on GPU
- A sort-middle architecture for 2D graphics
- piet-gpu progress report
- Prefix sum on Vulkan
- GPU resources
- 2D Graphics on Modern GPU
- Rust 2021: GUI
- Towards principled reactive UI
- Towards a unified theory of reactive UI
- Rust 2020: GUI and community